LPS Global School Noida.
D-196/2, Sector 51,
Noida, UP-201301,
Performing Arts include music, dance, drama and
an integration of all three.
Music (Mozart Studio) - Music is instilled in the very
being of our children from the Pre-Primary level.
Music is heard in our corridors and classrooms.
The music studio is equipped with instruments like-
Tabla, Congo, Bongo, Tumba, Keyboard, Guitar,
Sitar and Octapad. The children spontaneously
break into songs both Western and Indian while
doing their art work or bond in little groups with
guitars strumming!
Dance (Jhankar Studio)- Through the years bovs
and girls are ingrained with rhythm, movement.
cOordination and grace through Indian dance
styles like Bhartnatyam, Odissi, Kathak, Manipuri
and folk dances. Students are encouraged to
do their own choreographies as they grow in
understanding and skill. Contemporary dance
forms like jazz, ballet, hip-hop are also taught.
Dramatics is central to curriculum
experiences in the classroom and
on the Kala Manch. It is introduced
in the primary years through story
dramatizations. As the years go
by, the young dramatists take on
chalenges of script writing and
production of their own short plays.
Plays are presented based on
the works of Shakespeare, Prem
Chand as well as contemporary
original scripts.
Creative Writing
Verbal and written articulation which is creative, original and of
a high standard comes naturally to the children of LPS Global
School. Writing emerges from the stories children hear, create,
enact and undertake as project work. Debates, declamation,
creative competitions and participation in Model United
Nation(MUN) Comes naturally to many of our students from
middle and senior classes. Students participate in a host of
Inter school competitions and have bagged with awards and
accolades that recognizes their creativity and oratorical skills
ARTS:- Visual and Performing
Art is an integral part of the LPS curriculum and culture. All children explore the arts in multiple
disciplines-Visual arts and Performing arts and through literary experiences.
Visual Arts (Picasso Studio)
Art Children explore various mediums and techniques in the field of visual arts. Art experience
in LPS range from dripping paints, sand art, recycling, clay modeling modelling and water
colours to paper sculpture, pottery and more. The CBSE art curriculum encourages original
and creative compositions, still life study and nature study.
LPS Global School Noida.
D-196/2, Sector 51,
Noida, UP-201301,